Today, I woke up at 5:00am, packed up my things, and ate breakfast in Askole. I waited around as porter loads were being divided, then began the trek to Jhula with Akbar. The morning was cool and damp, a welcome change from last year’s scorching temperatures. After registering with the Karakorum National Park office, we continued on to Korofong (3057m/10,030ft) where we waited over two and a half hours for the porters to arrive. We then ate a quick lunch and continued onto Jhula as the weather worsened. We were frustrated by the fact that as soon as it would start raining hard and we would stop and put on goretex, the rain would stop and it would become too hot to continue without taking off layers. We arrived to Jhula around 1pm and waited almost four hours for the porters to arrive with our equipment. While waiting, I made friends with one of the chickens who will be my dinner in the coming days. There are over 350 people (climbers and porters) trekking on the same schedule as me so the camps will inevitably be crowded and chaotic, increasing the likelihood that a bag will be misplaced or lost. After setting up our camp, I had a fantastic dinner and went to sleep. Tomorrow we will continue the trek to Paiju.