Today, Chris and I woke up early, melted snow for water, cooked breakfast, and packed up our things. I left Camp I for Camp II with almost 40kg of weight in my backpack. Since we hadn’t previously established Camp II, we needed to bring up our tents, sleeping pads, sleeping bags, anchors, food, gas, stove, and summit clothes. I made slow but steady progress and arrived quite exhausted to Camp II in the early afternoon. We took advantage of the big hole in the slope that had been dug out by the Seven Summits Sherpas as they had extracted their buried tents from close to 9ft of snow. We filled in the hole as we established a tent platform, and pitched our comfortable 3-man tent in Camp II. We unpacked, made water, and ate lunch inside the tent. The views of Annapurna were amazing, as a base of clouds formed 10,000ft below us. The afternoon brought clouds and some wind, but we remained comfortable in our tent until the sun dropped behind the ridge. Tomorrow we will continue up to Camp III.