Today, we woke up early, packed up our things, and started up towards Camp I. Along the way, Dhaula (the dog) chased after me on the glacier, playing the entire way. She made it all the way to the Eiger, jumping two enormous crevasses along the way. I spoke for some time to the journalist from Desnivel about her history and then said my goodbyes as I started up the very steep section up the Eiger. She was of course unable to follow, so I watched her make her way back to base camp. I made quick progress toward Camp I, arriving in the late morning. Chris and I spent at least an hour digging out our now buried Camp I tent. Afterwards, we settled in, made water and food, and rested in the warm afternoon before the sun dipped behind the surrounding peaks and the temperature dropped precipitously. The evening brought some light snow, but it wasn’t enough to interfere with our plans to climb to Camp II the following day.